Not a Troll or Spammer :)

So I'm Trillian and making my way around the liberty forums.
Learning lots, and can't get enough.
I registered on freekeene so I can talk about boobies  ;D


Okay, rather then tell you about boobies, what is it that you wanted to talk about specifically about them?

Not mine… the topless tuesday business, but I got sidetracked and never posted anything yesterday.

Not yours? Why do you have odd shaped ones or something about them that embarrasses you? Personally, boobies are nice to look at, but heavily overrated. As I get older I appear to be growing my own and I'm not happy about it.

And you can join in on the forums about topless tuesdays…it would be interesting to hear another point of view. Everyone else is just three lines and that's it. Its boring and unfun! There ought to be a law about it! No not really…I'm going to bed…maybe…

I just read the the reply here made me lol… yeah men with boobs =not so swell, but it happens. As far as mine… nah I'm a fan of my own.  I will say that in general I'm over the topic. And will move on to other more important things, learning more about freedom.  Happy Monday :slight_smile: