NHexit.US yard signs

NHexit.US is raising funds for a yard sign purchase. Contact:
chris at think penguin com or @mr.penguin:matrix.lrn.fm

Thanks for posting russell!

thanks both of you for working on this. Looking forward to getting some signs placed. BTW i have now noticed about 3 of russell’s NHexit.org signs around Keene while driving and not looking for them. even saw one near the mass border yesterday, probably 15 miles east of Winchester.

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Awesome! Yea- we just need to get these plastered all over the state now.

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update from Liberty Forum … plus

this project has on hold for now.

But NHexit.org received some more funds that were used on another 150 signs that are slowly getting placed in SW NH.

maybe soon we will have NHexit.US signs … but here is the current one


Y’all might recognize most people in the above picture, but since I’ve never had my picture here in this forum, you might not recognize me… That’s me in the red flannel shirt buttoned with one button, standing next to the tree, long hair, beard.
The beard is coming off tomorrow.

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