Nh sells a lot of liquor

$10,000 at a time…wow.

Federal reporting law requires employees to notify the IRS about buyers who make more than $10,000 in cash purchases in a year, Gulla wrote to union members. He wrote that large sales occur in state liquor stores daily and Volinsky, who asked to witness one of them, was able to coordinate it with the union because employees know the out-of-state buyers’ schedules.

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Why isn’t the IRS raiding the State liquor commission and seizing their property?


Because we’re a nation of laws … um, I mean land of the free … er… 'Murica DAMNIT!

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You can’t send a corporation that exists only in a State database saying they paid their annual report fee to jail. Corporations are the first transhumanists!


i bought from the liquor store for the first time recently, felt so dirty. and there was an enforcement division substation attached to the store, gross.

nh natives think these stores are great and have no idea what they are missing. total wine for one.

They only really stock the most popular items for their liquor distribution warehouse, so I would often drive to MA to get something special. It seemed to take a year usually for them to start carrying anything new on the market.

According to a professor I once had, the Keene liquor store has its largest volume of sales during move in and move out days, most likely the parents from Connecticut, New York, Vermont, and Massachuttes stocking up on cheap booze before returning to their tax happy stares (although NH is in danger of becoming Vermont with a beach the way the current legislature is going).

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