New Member

As a longtime lurker, and rabid non-joiner, I really never felt compelled to introduce myself. However, in light of the recent elections, and the seeming progress the free state movement is making, I figured now would be a suitable time to dip my toes in the water.

My story? Long time native resident of a neighboring state (directly to the south). Recently had the opportunity relocate. While it wasn’t the only factor, the FSP was certainly a major factor in my decision to purchase a homestead near Keene. Now, after living here long enough to overcome some of the Stockholm Syndrome the regime of my previous state imposed on me, I thought I’d reach out.

I wanted to express some appreciation and support for the work the FSP (in general) and the mods of this forum (in particular) are doing to keep the ball rolling. While I probably wouldn’t be a tremendous help, and probably wouldn’t be a frequent participant, I will put it out there that I am sympathetic to the cause and will more closely monitor this (and other) forums to see when where I can help.


Hello and welcome! We’d love to meet you in real life. Any chance you can make either the Social Sunday event at Local Burger at 6pm or Taco Tuesday at 7pm at Mi Jalisco?

Awesome, great to hear your story Wilson. Welcome! Hope to see you around :slight_smile:

Welcome. Anything and everything is helpful for the cause. Let us know if you would like to meet up for lunch or dinner.

Yea- we just met up with a potential probable mover for lunch today. I’m always excited to meet a new face even if one can’t be overly-active involved. The key thing is taking part where you can. Hop on to other people’s initiatives. Join a protest, go cop blocking, show up in support of another activist in court (it’s easy, if you can fathom getting up early anyway, they hold court in Keene so you don’t even have to go far, for many trials), or help hand out jury nullification fliers, BitCoin fliers, or even simply ask local businesses about BitCoin. Can’t do even that? I’m sure you probably have a smart phone. Most people these days do. You can start spending BitCoins at the various local stores that accept them. From Local Burger to 101 Local Goods. There are a handful of others as well.

In any event welcome to Keene! And I hope to see you Sunday at 6PM for our Social Sunday meet up. Or if you can’t make that the Taco Tuesday meet up. These are both weekly events. There are a few other events too. One in the morning and another BitCoin meetup.