New member

hello everyone
I have never been able to express myself around the public without bringing scorn and derision round my ears . thankfully my family can see the truth in what I have said (now).
with my firm believe that injustice and abuse of office should be stamped out. and a free society where the rule is 'do no harm to others'.
I have,always stood my ground against oppression and abuse of office ,and have joined forums with this same message.
I came to this forum because I have the same agenda as yourselves for a fairer way to live our lives.
I came across your site while watching a Nicholas Ryder being prosecuted for disorderly conduct back in April 2009 .
I am very curious to the findings of that trial so would be grateful for anyone to enlighten me.
I hope I have covered all the bases. 

Not Guilty.

Hello and welcome!