Hello, my name is Michael Bruce. I’m currently a resident of Kentucky but I am working toward making the move to New Hampshire. I have spent the past couple of years as a public school history teacher which has taught me a lot (from both the good and bad). It would be great if I could find a job at a private school. I am so optimistic about the potential for change in the direction of liberty and I just can’t wait to begin having a hand in that.
I think I found out about The Free State Project through casual perusing of some liberty-leaning outlet like Reason or Tom Woods or something. It’s hard for me to recall exactly what outlet I found out about something from. I became aware of Free Keene in a similar way. I hope this has been a decent brief introduction. A huge part of me wanting to move is for the community and networking with other fans of liberty so I’d be more than willing to have a chat or answer any questions someone might have.
Best Regards,
Michael Bruce