El_Stone, thank you for your post.
I have to wonder if there are more people here who might be interested discussing what the post-secession state of NH will look like. I have heard many of the people involved say things like “…everything else will remain pretty much the same.” I am not happy with that answer.
If we are just changing masters, well, then it’s not unlike the American War of Independence.
We see how that turned out. Not much change actually occurred. Make no mistake about it, most states who might separate from the union are not looking for more liberty, they’re looking for more restrictions, e.g., the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade.
When I first came to NH I went to many of the monthly get togethers, all but one or two, I think. I liked Grafton, but even more liked the North Country. I have looked at the entire constitution and the RSA of NH, and find many outdated, superfluous, vague, and unenforcible sections of it. Try as they might, they cannot control what people view on the internet, but there are still very detailed statutes about what people can view and download. The statutes on degrees of relationships within which one cannot marry, or have sex with, is one of the widest anyplace. The statute on nudity refers to what the intention of the indecency is, and the worst of intentions will always be assumed. The public education system in NH is broke, witness the recent squabbles.
FTL_Ian, can we set up a separate major heading outside NHExit or any of the other general headings to discuss ways we’d like to see the state go, whether or not any “exit” ever occurs? Things like cooperative education, mores (not morals), internet freedom, conflict resolution, etc., and how the myriad varieties of “living together” can be accommodated in NH, how can we make changes now, and what changes we can work for at the state level.