My person and brief thoughts


I’ve known of Free Keene’s existence for a few years or so now.  It took me a while to get it, by which I mean freedom and voluntarism.

Now that I’ve started down this path, I have found it deeply nourishing to my person, to my soul.  Applying the non-aggression principal and the variable of choice vs absence of choice to…basically every facet of society and the state…has been a wonderful change.  Difficult to see anything in this world without seeing the state impede on everybody at every time.

It has been challenging, admittedly, coming to terms with this as a person as most all of my family has been the beneficiary from the state.  This I cannot ignore - benefiting (greatly) that is.  Without going too far into it, I highly doubt that there would be no teachers and no preventative health promoters in a voluntary society.  That said…

I imagine I would be a good addition to the shire.

They call me Nicolas and you are free to call me that, or any other name should you want to, deserved or not.


Welcome and thanks for the intro.  How did you end up here?

Hey,  now I’m on my actual desktop.  Finally.

Thanks for the question and here’s my delayed response.

I ended up here from Derrick J’s victimless crime spree when it was uploaded on

It had enthralled me and exposed me to said victimless crimes.  I’d say that’s where it all started.  After seeing this, Keene had been etched in my mind.  It had floated in my subconsciousness for a while.  A while later I became interested in Ron Paul and Michale Nystrom’s  On that forum were many police encounters (gone bad) being posted regularly.  It was absolutely infuriating to see people getting trampled over and over and over…primarily because they exercised their rights.  Nothing you and others here don’t already know.  But that is essentially how I got here, excluding the video by video suggestion that youtube makes.

That said, I’m glad to be welcomed.  I’ll be lurking, reading and contributing from time to time.

Welcome, Nicole - I’m glad DJVCS led you here.  It’s a great movie!