My name is Travis, I have been a member of the Libertarian Party since late 2000, I have followed the Free State Project since 2001, moved back to NH in 2002 before the FSP choose NH as the chosen state. I have been a "behind" the scenes supporter. I believe in the core beliefs of the FSP along with the libertarian party. I'm pretty much here to read and learn more about the Shire Society. I stumbled a crossed this site while doing some searching. Glad I found it.
welcome, Travis!
Which town do you live in? Are you interested in becoming more active in the political scene or with some outreach? We always need more good activists.
Welcome to the forum.
I live in Fitzwilliam. Due to my job I don't have much free time, that and I'm not a huge out going person. I kinda stick to home, but I won't ever 100% rule something out.
Welcome, Travis.