Msg. for FTL caller Ricky from the Commonwealth

This is a public message for free talk live caller “Ricky from the Commonwealth.” Please pass it on to him if you have a means of contacting him. Give him my contact info if you wish.

Ricky I just learned that you went blind a few years ago with some sort of retinal issue. You should google the words “Khavinson peptide” and maybe contact canadian nutritionist Natalie Niddam. Dr. Khavinson has had a lot of success treating severe retinal issues and I suspect there are ways to do it that don’t cost that much. It depends on the problem of course. The reason you haven’t heard of him is he’s in The Forbidden Country: Russia.

Natlie would probably be able to get you started if you think you are a match. I’ve used her for advice on slightly related stuff and am satisfied with the results and price. Do your own research on this folks to see if you find them trustworthy as I do.

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