Hello! My name is Randy Clemens and I recently moved from Los Angeles to Manchester NH for the Free State Project. I’ve been a freelance food writer and cookbook author for the past decade or so, but finally got tired of watching government expand and take more of everyone’s hard-earned money to support programs I don’t care to support! (War, for one.) I wrote more about my move just before I left and I can already tell you I have zero plans to go back: http://bit.ly/randymovestoNH
I can wax poetic about what an incredible transformation it’s been for me… how liberating it is, how wonderful the community is at helping each other, how much fun we all have getting together and visiting different parts of this breathtaking state… but you really do have to see it to believe it. Come to Liberty Forum. Come to PorcFest. Come any time. Just know you’re going to want to stay!
We had TWENTY EIGHT new movers last month and it was so great to meet them at the monthly New Movers Party last night in Manchester! Looking forward to welcoming you all home to New Hampshire soon!