Most Important Date Of The Decade Is Upon Us: A Hearing On New Hampshire Independence Is Here

Originally published at: Most Important Date Of The Decade Is Upon Us: A Hearing On New Hampshire Independence Is Here | Free Keene

The BIGGEST most important date (Jan 20th) of the decade for freedom may just be upon us so mark your calendar and come support the New Hampshire independence rally & public hearing this Thursday ! Don’t be the reason we’re stuck without options- freedom loving people unite- lets create a home and free place to live and give our kids a bastion of hope for the future.

If New Hampshire voters say yes to independence it will separate New Hampshire from the US empire and immediately halt the abuse by Washington DC. What we can accomplish by ourselves will be far greater than anything we can accomplish under the threat of Washington politicians. Independence will offer New Hampshire citizens many things- everything from a reduced tax burden and economic growth to reducing the staggering amount of regulatory barriers placed on New Hampshire businesses. Unhappy with forced vaccination? We can fix that! If we’re independent the feds can’t dictate what should be a matter between us and our doctors. Don’t like Washington’s gun regulations? We can go farther at eliminating arguably unconstitutional restrictions. Unhappy about our schools? Without DC bribing our politicians to pass laws we otherwise wouldn’t and they can’t pass directly we can fix our schools.

When all else fails, what is the plan New Hampshire? 71% (78% at its height) of Union Leader readers said YES to a vote on independence! Now we need to get the legislators to put it on the ballot so the voters can actually decide to declare independence from Washington DC. This New Hampshire constitutional amendment will do just that.

For those not aware New Hampshire’s constitution pre-dates that of the United States and should we choose to do so we can leave the union and divorce DC. We can lead the US just as our forefathers did before us during the Revolutionary War. Just as they declared independence from Great Britain we too can declare independence from the new empire. However unlike that insurrection this isn’t a declaration of war. This is a means of declaration via proper legal channels- and that’s something even the US courts have acknowledged. Where some would lead you to believe that independence is illegal or that it’s impossible the truth is that even the courts have ruled that the procedure rather than the declaration itself has in prior instances been improper.

Let’s keep our options open and support CACR 32 by joining together with democrats, conservatives, and other independent voters this Thursday Jan 20th, 2022:

Address: 33 N State Street, Concord, New Hampshire
Time: Rally Starts at 2:00PM, press @ 3:00, and the public hearing is at 3:30 Room LB 206.

Can’t make it? See our directions below for how you can testify electronically.

For more details read the latest article by Liberty Block:

Breaking: NH Exit Legislation Assigned House Committee & Hearing

Want to express support for the constitutional amendment on New Hampshire independence? Here is how to testify (in other words inform the committee on your thoughts) electronically on what you think of this important legislation.

Can’t Make It? Here is how to testify electronically via email

Step 1: Open the link here

Step 2: Select January 20th on the calendar shown

Step 3: Under Select the Committee find House State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs

Step 4: Under Choose the Bill find 3:30 pm – CACR32

Step 5: Under I am select A Member of the Public

Step 6: Under I’m Representing leave Myself

Step 7: Select the bubble I Support this Bill

Step 8: Click Continue

Step 9: Enter your First and Last name, Town, State, and an email address.

Step 10: Click the Continue button

Step 11: Check the box that says “By clicking this checkbox, you agree that the information you have provided is truthful to the best of your knowledge.”

Step 12: Click the Continue button

You’ve now registered your support for giving voters of New Hampshire the opportunity to vote for independence from Washington DC.

The next thing to do is send the Committee your thoughts and comments in why they should support democracy and give the people the chance to vote on this very important constitutional amendment.

Please email written testimony to:

It’s currently unclear if the hearing will be live streamed by the state itself or not, as nothing is shown under scheduled live streams as I write this, but this may change, and we will certainly be posting a video of the hearing afterward on just what happened so stay tuned in to Free Keene for updates. Here is a link to the live streams just in case you are able to watch it live via the state’s cameras:

thanks for writing this Mr. P. One thing I’ve noticed as independence gets promoted…Some of us tend to make rosy claims about how this will play out. For example, Federal abuses against NH people would not immediately stop if we gained independence, just as Moscow’s abuses have not stopped against Estonians. What is more likely is that there would be reduction in the ability to inflict such abuses.

Other folks have been saying things like the economy would grow massively as a result of independence. Again, what we are probably are looking at is more of a moderate general improvement over the long term along with a decoupling from Federal decline and/or deterioration in the other states. That’s how it played out in Estonia and Slovenia as compared to the escapee nations around them. It’s best not be like those politicians who claim things will be great with their plan… The wish is sometimes father to the thought… be wary of that: It’s better to be realistic.