Monadnock Yearling

Hey! My name is James, and I'm a recovering Massaholic. Been in the Monadnock area officially just over a year, and I was wondring who was carrying the signs I was giving horn-beeps and thumbs up to, at the rotary. So…it was 'YOU guys/gals'! Coming from the Land of Kerry/Kennedy, where everything is SWELL, it's most refreshing to see and hear other folks that are actually concerned that our Bill Of Rights is being bought and sold like a painted tart. I fear that I can never buy the Interstate Commerce Act excuse as the justification for the latest heinous bill to be inserted into the collective orifices of we, the Great Unwashed. It's fiscally insane, and morally reprehensible. Thanks be to Creator that at least fourteen States are bringing suit.

Anyway…I wished to say how-do-you-do, and thanks for making me realize that I'm not losing my mind - there are others who don't subscribe to the false paradigm of Left versus Right, Us versus Them, Red/Blue ad nauseum. It was supposed to be about Live And Let Live, as long as our pursuit of life, liberty, happiness did not injure our neighbors. I'm also Native American, so my family always taught libertarianism as our raisson d'etre…endowed to us by Creator, sacred, intrinsic. No wonder we never 'Made It In Massachusetts'!

Welcome to Free Keene.

Cool - the signs worked!  8)

Welcome aboard, and be sure to stop on by an meet us in the flesh - check the calendar for stuff-to-do.

Welcome! :slight_smile:

Greetings James, welcome to the forum!