Mike Sylvia is Under Fire Politically - Already!

Sent this LTE to the Laconia paper and a slightly different version to the Concord paper…as a response to their article about Mike Sylvia’s comments. Can you do something similar?

NH independence vs. Fed rule - We’re not competing with perfect here!

Dear folks at the Sun:

Some thoughts regarding your article about Belmont Rep. Mike Sylvia’s attempt to bring forward the NH Independence Amendment. This is legislation which, if passed, would let New Hampshire voters decide whether they want to continue being governed by Washington. The latter appears to have proven effective only at mistreating immigrants in Texas and running torture chambers in Afghanistan.

You pointed out Sylvia’s comments, in which he paraphrased - then condemned - anti-immigrant sentiment. These comments have “triggered” an attempt by Federal sympathizers to paint Sylvia’s meaning as opposite of what it was. But presumably we are all in agreement that harsh deeds are a much nastier thing than harsh words. As the loudest open-borders, Spanish-speaking voice in New Hampshire’s Independence faction, I’m more enraged over Fed mistreatment of my sisters and brothers from Mexico…than over any “comment” a person could ever make. We’re not competing with perfect here, not even with D-minus. Washington dumps kids into concentration camps for being born the wrong spot and orders you to underwrite the “service.” But folks are more upset about a “comment” by 100-dollar-a-year citizen legislator?

Maybe what the pro-Fed faction fears is not Mike Sylvia’s open-handed brainstorming…but the possibility that NH might someday be independent of DC, of the Feds’ border fascism and their literal million-page list of Forbidden Acts. The chance that eventually…we might be able to exclusively govern our own affairs and welcome our foreign siblings in a dramatically more humane, inexpensive manner than Washington does.

Dave Ridley
Winchester, NH

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Great letter, Dave!

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Thanks; I read the letter aloud on Free Talk Live tonight except the last paragraph

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I like open borders … NH might need to add territory as we add freedom … don’t want to move walls :slight_smile:

MaryAnn Robbin Pumilia, who I hadn’t heard of before but apparently is in the Lakes region…has written an LTE of her own in defense of Mike Sylvia:

“In reference to the article about House Speaker Sherman Packard condemning Rep. Mike Sylvia’s remarks regarding NH Independence, and the subsequent article in The Daily Sun written by Rick Green:
Mike Sylvia is a standup guy who has served Belknap County (Belmont) honorably for 5 years now. We are very lucky to have him represent the people, as he has done so much good for the residents and taxpayers.
I watched the entire video being referred to. Mr. Sylvia specifically said his words were not his feelings, but those of some voters who don’t like what is happening on our country’s southern border with the illegal immigration, and how many of those voters view the immigrants (that view being possibly carrying COVID into the country). He implied that those voters blame President Biden for the situation. He used words that some of those voters use to describe THEIR views. Not HIS views, but THEIRS!
Packard and others are stretching his words and putting them into a different context to fit their own agenda. Could they possibly be trying to distract from the real issue- the investigation started by Mr. Sylvia into Belknap County finances? I wouldn’t be surprised, as this is a typical tactic used by politicians to try to discredit someone they feel threatened by.
For years we have listened to RINOS, Democrats and Leftists use false claims of racism to further their own goals and here’s another example of them doing so once again. Don’t let their nonsense cloud your views of Mr. Sylvia. He’s doing a great job in the House!”

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Sent this to one of the people quoted in the paper:

Hi Ms. Castillo: We met back in 2012 when I came to support your rally against Federal immigration fascism:

I saw your quote in the paper, objecting to Mike Sylvia’s comments related to the NH Independence Amendment. As an enemy of all tax-funded restrictions on immigration, I’ve submitted the LTE below in response.

Consider yourself invited to our next conference call:
I’ll suggest that you receive ten minutes to publicly share with us any ideas or concerns you have regarding our effort to end INS rule over NH.

Here is the LTE:

"NH independence vs. Fed rule - We’re not competing with perfect here!

Dear folks at the Sun:

Some thoughts regarding your article about Belmont Rep. Mike Sylvia’s attempt to bring forward the NH Independence Amendment. This is legislation which, if passed, would let New Hampshire voters decide whether they want to continue being governed by Washington. The latter appears to have proven effective only at mistreating immigrants in Texas and running torture chambers in Afghanistan.

You pointed out Sylvia’s comments, in which he paraphrased - then condemned - anti-immigrant sentiment. These comments have “triggered” an attempt by Federal sympathizers to paint Sylvia’s meaning as opposite of what it was. But presumably we are all in agreement that harsh deeds are a much nastier thing than harsh words. As the loudest open-borders, Spanish-speaking voice in New Hampshire’s Independence faction, I’m more enraged over Fed mistreatment of my sisters and brothers from Mexico…than over any “comment” a person could ever make. We’re not competing with perfect here, not even with D-minus. Washington dumps kids into concentration camps for being born the wrong spot and orders you to underwrite the “service.” But folks are more upset about a “comment” by 100-dollar-a-year citizen legislator?

Maybe what the pro-Fed faction fears is not Mike Sylvia’s open-handed brainstorming…but the possibility that NH might someday be independent of DC, of the Feds’ border fascism and their literal million-page list of Forbidden Acts. The chance that eventually…we might be able to exclusively govern our own affairs and welcome our foreign siblings in a dramatically more humane, inexpensive manner than Washington does.

Dave Ridley
Winchester, NH"

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Nice job guys!

I didn’t preserve what I sent, but I sent a letter to both outlets mentioned as well. I won’t be holding my breath that they actually print any of these letters to the editors. However in the off chance they do great!

I think one of the problems we have right now is that while we have some amount of media we’re competing with much larger market players. By that I mean more or less every news organization in NH.

However our presence isn’t zero. We do have a handful of radio stations and online outlets to get stuff out there. It is also possible that some of the slanted outlets will run some of these letter to the editor responses. Of course a letter to the editor won’t get anywhere near the attention that the original biased articles got- sadly. But that said nobody said it wasn’t going to be an uphill battle and we’re going to win the war either way. It’s just a matter of time.


please also post any LTEs you send to here or somewhere I can grab them. I will add them to blog posts on nhexit.org

Yayyy ty chris! Sent below to Eagle Times today.

The LTE below is for publication if you wish and you may reach me at (number) if you need to talk to me specifically or discuss the NH Independence Amendment.

NH independence vs. Fed rule: We’re not even competing with D-minus here

Dear Editors at the Times:

Some thoughts regarding the article you published about Belmont Rep. Mike Sylvia’s attempt to bring forward the NH Independence Amendment. This is legislation which, if passed, would let New Hampshire voters decide whether they want to continue being governed by Washington. The latter appears to have proven effective only at mistreating immigrants in Texas and running torture chambers in Afghanistan.

The article focused on Sylvia’s comments, in which he paraphrased - then condemned - anti-immigrant sentiment. These comments have “triggered” an attempt by Federal sympathizers to paint Sylvia’s meaning as opposite of what it was. But presumably we are all in agreement that harsh deeds are a much nastier thing than harsh words. As the loudest open-borders, Spanish-speaking voice in New Hampshire’s Independence faction, I’m more enraged over Fed mistreatment of my sisters and brothers from Mexico…than over any “comment” a person could make. We’re not competing with perfect here, not even with D-minus. Washington dumps kids into concentration camps for being born in the wrong spot and orders you to underwrite the “service.” But folks are more upset about a “comment” by 100-dollar-a-year citizen legislator?

Maybe what the pro-Fed faction fears is not Mike Sylvia’s open-handed brainstorming…but the possibility that NH might someday be independent of DC, of the Feds’ border fascism and their literal million-page list of Forbidden Acts. The chance that eventually…we might be able to exclusively govern our own affairs and welcome our foreign siblings in a dramatically more humane, inexpensive manner than Washington does.

Dave Ridley
Winchester, NH

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Sent to email group:

LTE’s pro-Sylvia, NH independence vid call 9/14 530p, electro-town-hall-mtg?
Dave Ridley
Mon 9/13/2021 6:52 AM
Still (link) I assume. I’ve invited 4 probable opponents, left leaning, most of whom I know or have met. I’ve told two of them that I would like them to have the floor for 10 minutes each, these are the immigration activists who were interviewed in the hostile media article about Mike. Carlos Cardona and Eva Castillo, the later of which has been an outstanding activist against Federal immigration misbehvior here. I ask that everyone treat them and all opponents respectfully and give them space to speak their peace if they are willing to show up. we have completed proposed wording and maybe it’s time to see if we can/should move into electronic town hall meeting mode? I also invited new friendlies who are New Hampshirites.

At least 5 LTE’s have been sent by at least 3 people… to the outlets that were criticizing mike. as of roughly sept 6 none had published best I could tell but I read mine on Free Talk Live. Details and copies of some LTE"s are on shiresociety.com


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I will try to be on the call tomorrow.
I will be muted, unless there are no questions … then I will ask 1 or 2.

My letter responding to the hit piece has appeared in the Concord paper: Letter: NH independence vs. Fed rule


Sent to Speaker Packard after his cool rally at Concord:

"Thank you from NHexit.com - for the vax mandate opposition!

Dave Ridley

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