I was kinda leaning toward MGTOW before it was even a thing, then I did meet my wife… ️
I think maybe the less of an issue “meeting women” is for you, the more likely you are to meet someone. It seems kinda like you have to “not care” to be attractive to women.
I think dating within the small cult of libertarians is always going to be difficult. Random events have always led to wonderful discoveries for me, no reason that shouldn’t extend to finding someone you can tolerate living with.
I recognize that most libertarian men will have to find statists because math. But just because you have to find a statist doesn’t mean you have to go all out and find yourself a cop. If you are in a relationship with a cop then you are supporting their existence/moral support/emotional support/etc. And there are moral ramifications to that. And I’m not sure how you could trust a cop enough to be with them.
I’ve known a number of cops who approach their jobs as peace officers, not police officers. I was friends with one in the 90’s who was openly pro-pot-legalization, and said he even told his employer that in the job interview, and they still hired him (yes this is in New Hampshire…). So while government employees of any sort should be viewed with some degree of suspicion, and I do recognize the validity of holding collectivists to their own standards of collectivism, but at the same time, is it really fair to collectivize them?
I am a military veteran, for instance. I proudly explain how it was my experience in the military that converted me from a Reagan Young Republican into a libertarian, and began my process of development that brought me to anarchocapitalism. If you had condemned me back then and refused to associate with me back then, would I have embraced libertarianism? I’d be more likely to conclude you are all antisocial misanthropist jerks.
So I would caution against the idea that you should treat all cops as “the enemy”, until you actually know them better, or they engage in aggression against you. Even those are educatable. Most get into law enforcement as young people who are motivated for various reasons to see law enforcement as a worthy profession to protect people who are law abiding from those who are not. They are often idealists, and idealists are just as capable of violating peoples rights to serve their ideals as some crass thug for hire.
So, ask a cop why the got into law enforcement, how they see it as serving their motives for getting into law enforcement, and whether it has turned out to be as fulfilling as they once thought, or become “just a job” that has made them dislike, distrust, or hate most of the people they are supposed to serve and protect.
I think if a group collectivizes themselves, that gives reason to collectivize them. Gangs are gangs. I can also see giving some a break if they aren’t the typical variety and they show an understanding of what’s been going. Brad Jardis and the regular caller to FTL in Arizona both come to mind (and I think there have been others.)
To that end, no I wouldn’t be quick to treat a cop as an enemy because he’s a cop, but I’d always be suspicious until I know better.
Even if they’re “straight shooting” “law and order” mentality, I have a problem with that. They have the opinion that the law is right even when the state is wrong, and I can’t handle that. Bad law is bad law, and defending it is harmful.
There’s one hell of an vast region between refusing to associate with you and refusing to choose you as a partner. I’ll talk about philosophy with whoever will listen. Hiring someone to be the father of my future children (I don’t know if Dunker wants kids) has stricter criteria.
Cops did commit aggression against you- they are cops. Forgetting that is dangerous. Just because someone is the enemy does not mean we can not communicate with them; it just means that we shouldn’t forget what they are for safety and frankly for expectation reasons. I’m fairly certain that LEOs consider us the enemy too.
Yes, do this. It seems useful if they are willing.
What do people consider “treating someone as an enemy” to mean? Treating someone as the enemy does NOT mean that you open fire on sight or say “fuck you” instead of “hello.” It means that you recognize that they are a threat, proceed with caution, do not give undo information, etc.
Treating all cops as cops is not collectivizing. Being a cop is an act of aggression, and I will judge anyone who commits this aggression accordingly. Just as murder is an act of aggression and I will treat anyone who commits murder on a regular accordingly. But I am not “collectivizing murderers” because murder is a behavior and not a status. Yes, there are worse and less worse cops and murderers.
I’m 46, so the chances of me having my own kids with an appropriatly-aged woman are pretty slim.
I saw Will Coley out and about last night and he had his whole family with him. When I see a big family like that, I get a little twinge like “I want something like that myself”.
The number I’ve heard for a man is half his age plus seven. That would make her 30 which is about the time most women’s chances to give birth starts becoming very difficult.
That definition is from the novel “Little Women”. Heinlein used it a few times in his writing as well. Seems pretty arbitrary. IMHO the only “appropriate” age is whatever the two people involved think is appropriate, given they are old enough to consent.
If that’s your cutoff then there is still hope. 20 year olds have better odds, but it’s really around 35 when it gets to the point where it’s like “yeah, no, buy a baby or do something else with your life.”
I’m not telling you what to prioritize, but I’ve found that when I’ve actively pursued the things I thought were impossible I achieved them (which was sometimes good and sometimes bad).
But in any case you can do better than a cop, because, as far as I know, you’re a person and you haven’t committed genocide or torture or anything like that recently.
I totally would, but I’m cursed with a powerful “friend-zone”.
I can make friends with just about any woman, but the moment I try to make a relationship more serious, things get really weird and, often, she will disappear from my life. I think it’s often called “ghosting” these days.
Besides my very active fantasies, my sex life is done.
Perhaps making your intentions known up front will help. Don’t give them time to think you are in it for a friendship. If they aren’t interested, they’ll still disappear quick but at least you didn’t waste your time friend-zoning.
There is nothing wrong with the desire to love and to be loved by another. It’s a normal human emotion.
I would highly recommend trying e-harmony. I met my wife on that website. Before I met my wife, I did date 3 or 4 other women I also met there. While those relationships did not work out, it wasn’t because we didn’t get along.