Merchandise Ideas

I’m sure Johnson doesn’t need the help, but on the off chance he has writers block- I want to help him create Merch that we can buy from his store.

What are your thoughts on a shirt that says " Fight for peace, not Politicians" It could get a cool graphic.
The only thing that bothers me is the Fight for peace part… kind of a contradiction, no?

Also could we get like a Free Talk Live - wrist band- that says something really cool? Its cheap and I would buy that.

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That’s good perception on the word “fight.” It’s been fingered as a bad word in libertarian vocabulary. How about “Win peace, not politics?”


Ooooo that’s a good one too

maybe some of those rubber/silicone bracelets that a lot of companies give away

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Yeah exactly what I’m talking about with the brackets!

A recent visit to a courthouse inspired this idea for a hat + shirt combo:

Hat says: You’re a dumbass bureaucrat
Shirt says: You should quit your job

Probably not a bestseller? But would feel good to wear whenever you have to be in a government building


I think that’s something you’re gonna have to make on your own. To mass produce that wouldn’t sell well, not everyone goes to the court house. Now if that shirt was targeting cops- then we probably have a real winner.

Side note- maybe you could make a graphic teaching the public that being a bureaucrats is not a real job. ( or something like that) now I would where a shirt like that.