I’m a conservative libertarian who identifies as independent/unaffiliated these days because most libertarians are idiots. They believe in legalizing weed or cocaine or whatever they personally like, but they seem to have no concept of liberty in general. And then we have “What is Aleppo?” Gary Johnson and such.
I feel bad for the comrade who told me about the Free State Project so many years ago. I wonder if he has killed himself yet. What a disappointment it has been. Glad I wasn’t lured to Vermont. He should’ve known like I did. We just believe people shouldn’t be locked up for looking at pictures or having consensual sex, but that’s too much for today’s libertarians.
Anyway, I heard some obnoxious bigotry against the oppressed sexual minorities on the audio stream, but since removing the stream from my website, I’ve realized that these people and their hypocrisy are completely irrelevant and insignificant, and I don’t have time to be a buddha to enlighten a small group of idiots to truths that you are too lazy to already know. Have a nice life. I’ll be sure to drive around Vermont.
And thank you so much for insulting me and spitting upon me and my rights with the arrogant bigotry in the stream. I really appreciate that. That’s what I came here to complain about. Mission accomplished. Later.