Nice. It allows home grows.
NH is a desert, jeez.
We’ll get there. Reps passed legalization this week, but govnuh says he’ll veto.
WTF will the feds do when pot is legal in 35 states? Let’s hope they take it off the schedule even before that.
I’m looking forward to the first marijuana Cannabis Cup in Vermont !!
Why does every headline have to call it “WEED?” Cannabis would be the correct term, so let’s class it up a bit
Do people colloquially call water by the scientific name, like dihydrogen monoxide? Or say “I’m going to go pet my Felis catus.” instead of “I’m going to go pet my cat.”?
Except it was known, colloquially, as cannabis up until the scare stories turned it in to “marihuana.” There were even congressmen who voted for the prohibition, later saying if the knew “marihuana” was cannabis, they wouldn’t have voted to prohibit it, meaning it was commonly known by that name.
Nobody called it reefer? Grass?
Shrek that.
Google drive says I need permission.
Sorry I f***** up.
The word Marijuana (or Marihuana) was the Mexican word for cannabis. I say Mexican because I don’t know if it is from Spanish or one of the indigenous languages, but it is what the Mexicans in the Southwest called it. Reefer would have only been common in Jazz communities, i.e. inner city black. I don’t recall seeing when grass or weed came into use, I would guess in the 60s.
The bottom line is that Mr. and Mrs. average American would only know it as hemp or cannabis. They would have known cannabis as medicine and hemp as what their clothes and paper were made of. Given the economic situation at the time even if more people knew that Marijuana and cannabis are the same, I doubt it would have been enough to overcome the perfect storm of Cronyism, racism and political expediency.
First day of legalization in Vermont is today.