LPMI Gov candidate cites NH

“New Hampshire is my example,” says [Michigan Libertarian candidate for Governor, Bill] Gelineau.
I’d like to invite the libertarians from Michigan to move to the Live Free or Die State.

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“New Hampshire is my example,” says Gelineau, “They don’t have a sales tax either and they function just fine so how did they do it? Well, maybe those are things we ought to look at.”

It does seem like the “freest” thing about NH is no sales tax or income tax. Besides that, not that different than other states. When freestaters say nh is the freest state, I assume they are mostly talking about taxes.

Property is prettty expensive. Which makes rent expensive. I wonder what percentage of freestater who rent end up leaving. Freestaters who buy property are much more likely to stay. But if you are renting and looking to buy, you will quickly find out you can get a lot more for your money in other states.

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  • In California I was required, by law, to have five different types of garbage/recycling bins. Accidentally put a soda can in the white paper bin? $100 fine.

  • Was required to wear a seat belt. Fine up to $465

  • Was required to have car insurance at $1,400+/year

  • Was required to pay a $0.10 recycling fee on every bottle of soda

I really could go on. It wasn’t financial oppression I was fleeing in California, it was actual daily oppression

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You can’t rent a dumpster?

I was supposed to recycle when I was living in Grafton, NH, so I didn’t use the transfer station. I just hauled it out of town to a dumpster. I worked in Nashua and had a sweet dumpster hookup. Everyone needs a dumpster hookup, preferably a few.

So you don’t wear a seatbelt when you drive?
Does your car beep constantly if you don’t?

I wear a seatbelt even when not required to by law.

The state specified how much you have to spend on car insurance?
Or do they specify the type of coverage you have to get?
It could be expensive because you have a really nice car, or you are a shitty driver. The price doesn’t tell me much.

I carry car insurance for my vehicles, even when I lived in NH. I’ve never notice a big difference in policy price from state to state, but I’ve always been on the east coast.

How much soda do you drink?

Anytime I have been out to California to work, it seemed a lot like every where else in the US, but with more guys in skinny jeans. I threw everything in one garbage can, and didn’t get fined.

Put a dumpster in front of your house in California? Are you kidding?!? Such unsightly things are never permitted.


The point is you CHOOSE to wear a seatbelt.


Yes, they mandate what type of insurance you have. And you have to have it before you can register the car. Which means you have to have it before you drive the car. Makes essentially every private party auto sale result in illegal driving unless the seller is willing to keep the car on their property for days after purchase.

When I checked into NH insurance on the car I drove from California it was less than half for the same coverage.


I drink a 2-liter a day. The 2 liter costs $0.88 cents. SO that’s more than a 10% tax. And it’s not just soda - every beer/wine/water/tea/coffee/juice bottle as well. It’s on the plastic/glass/can, not the beverage contained therein. That’s a seperate soda tax that was implemented after I left.


And every time I’ve been to Maine it’s just looked like a giant shopping mall. Nothing like the rugged wilderness I’ve heard about.

Probably because I only saw a few miles. Good thing I know not to judge a state by a brief visit to a small portion.

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L.A. wasn’t permitted ?

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It’s an illusion. PROPERTY taxes suck here.
Here’s a funny comparison.Unorganized Maine vs. NH. At least I can laugh.

from: https://nhlifefree.com/2015/11/03/new-hampshire-n-h-2015-2016-property-tax-rates-highest-lowest-everything-else/ OR: 2018 Tax Rates
The following is a list of individual tax rates applied to property located in the unorganized territory. These rates apply to the tax bills that were mailed in August, 2018 and due October 1, 2018.

Aroostook 0.00705
Franklin 0.00843
Hancock 0.00527
Kennebec 0.00712
Knox 0.00508
Lincoln 0.00531
Oxford 0.00952
Penobscot 0.00872
Piscataquis 0.00654
Somerset 0.00841
Waldo 0.00602
Washington 0.00827

                                Samm   (Live Free in the Wilderness or Die)

Most publicly traded businesses incorporate in Delaware. One more reason for a California based company to do so.


I guess Delaware is the freest state for corporations.

Most publicly traded businesses incorporate in Delaware. One more reason for a California based company to do so.

Which is why, as mentioned in the article, this law is not aimed at companies incorporated in California, but rather at corporations with their main office in California.