Looking to move

I was looking to move to New Hampshire because of the free state project, and Keene seems like a great place to start. Are there any places to move to that do not require much in the way of driving? Although I can drive, it is something that I dread, especially during the winter seasons of New Hampshire. Where I live shouldn't really matter as long as it has an Internet connection job wise.

Welcome! ;D

Keene (and Manchester) are walkable cities.

Also, I know someone (who happens to be a liberty activist) who helps people overcome their fear of driving. I'm not saying you have a fear of driving, but if you don't like driving in the snow, I'm guessing it's because you don't know how to do it safely, and he can help.

We have internet and Keene has been awarded as "most walkable".


They plow the roads pretty well out here. I've easily made it through two winters with a car that is arguably one of the worst for winter driving because it has so little ground clearance-- a VW Beetle.

Hello and Welcome!  If you dress appropriately winter can be quite enjoyable and beautiful.  We have cable internet available in Keene and I have found it to be very stable and reliable.