Tell us about yourself.
I’m Patrick. I was born in San Diego and for the last 12 years I had lived about 1 hour north of there. Living life, doing the career thing, got married, bought a loan on a house, had a kid. I rejected faith as a child, figuring out that gods and magic don’t exists in my reality. I’ve never been a follower, never been obedient. I was very much against war so it seemed to make sense to vote for Obama. After voting for Obama in 2008, figuring I’d see some change that never came, I entered into some sort of apathy. Even being beat up by cops didn’t really wake me up but it did get me into learning more about how much harm cops do… eventually I found videos from this guy Adam Kokesh, he was getting beat up by cops on the reg. That was about 5 years ago. One day he said the word Voluntaryism and from there delved into philosophy, searching out the dark corners of the internet for conversations on reality, nihilism, egoism, voluntary exchange, the nature of the state. I reached out to people in my area, finding Liberty on the Rocks, then Libertopia, I then started working on which is a directory for liberty businesses that I built (I’ve been thinking of relaunching it with a more Shire centric purpose). In 2014 I went to PorcFest and there I realized I needed to be doing more for myself, and that I wanted to do more for my son and the rest of humanity. I wasn’t going to leave this world without being able to honestly say to myself that I fought my ass off to make humanity better. A few months later my wife and I started a long process of coming to terms with this, getting our ideas together, networking with other liberty minded folk, and, the most difficult part, leaving our 8 year career at our family’s mid-sized construction company. At the beginning of 2016 we started selling off nearly everything we owned. We sold 90% of our stuff, we sold our cars, we sold our house. Well, we kept 1 car and all our camping gear and hit the road for 6 months, making the Mises Circle in Seattle, flew out to the Shire for 2 weeks and went to PorcFest, FreedomFest in Vegas and then JackFest in Arizona, then spent 3 months staying in San Diego hanging out with friends and family. I chronicle some of that at We sold that car, boxed up the camping gear and stored it with the other 10% of the stuff we kept, all ready to be shipped to the Shire when we are ready.Had a great Turkey Day and flew off to Nicaragua 2 days later. We’ve been here for almost 4 weeks now. We are working on a business venture here that we hope someday will allow us to live in Central America and the Shire… if it doesn’t work out here though we are Shire-bound full time.
Why are you here?
I’m not sure. Where else would I be? I think to have better, longer conversations than on bookface and to bounce ideas around, get information.
How did you find the Shire Society?
Probably on bookface. Def. seen it mentioned on FreeKeene.
My interests include:
Philosophy, economics, business, entrepreneurship, tiny house, home design, construction, farming, cooking, peaceful parenting and general socializing with like-minded people. I also very much enjoy spreading the good word of Voluntaryism and honing that skill.