I was recently left a phone call that my vehicle registration needs a legal address, a residence, not my mailing address.
I was also pulled over and told the same thing by a person in a costume who threatened me, regarding the license I obtained to operate on the king’s roads.
However, in neither case did the original documents nor processing agents seem to require this. Meaning, I got a license and registered my car last year with no issue.
Anyone have any information regarding the legal address? When I was reading the license documents it sounded like they want a legal address, or a mailing address and legal address - but would only verify the legal address is or isn’t actually a mailing address if one were applying for Real ID.
I’m interested in knowing if and where this requirement is written down or if this is low level agents assuming a requirement. I’m less interested in alternatives such as sovereign solutions - so probably just drop a link for those points. Yes, I did search for this information but didn’t find what I was looking for.