Land Rights

I’m having a hard time finding a reliable source of information and theory about land rights and possible ancap solutions to land claim registries. Are there any people and resources that you use and trust about this issue? I think it’s probably the most fundamental issue regarding state power because as long as the state asserts its claim to all land in the world, it can assert its power over any human issue. I’m looking for information very specific to land claims, not just general property rights theory.


Jeffrey Tucker wrote an article on about that, good read.

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That’s along the lines of what I’m interested in, but not quite what I’m looking for. I’m looking for something very detailed and robust like a Mises or Rothbard book, or even a dissertation on the issue.

Yeah, but if you read through it, it could give you some ideas for specific subject matter to research to find your answers.

This is definitely a topic of interest to me. Throughout the years I have learned that true land ownership in the states is dependent upon where the land originates. What I mean by this is that the process and concept is different in one of the original thirteen colonies vs. one of the remaining of the 50 states. I know a Californian that has a solid land ownership process, but it wouldn’t work here in New Hampshire as California recognizes “land patents” and New Hampshire would require an “allodial land title”.

I haven’t done any research into this for quite some time, but I figure it’d be great to get other New Hampshirites with the goal of freedom to again revisit this research. Thanks for your post.

This is my favorite subject to talk about!!! I’m a realtor, and in florida you have to learn all about this.

Start researching Fee Simple/Freehold, title rights, etc. If you have any questions, I may be able to answer some.

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Is there a solution that doesn’t involve hiring men with guns to enforce your ownership?

Could you imagine Land ownership blockchain forks? lol…

Yes! There is a middle east country (I forgot which one) that is thinking about using blockchain to recognise real property rights. Ultimately, all rights only exist because of you willingness to defend them, but in a cultural liberty minded society, I can see blockchain tech for all homeowners. Currently, in most states, they have something called the Abstract. This is just a large book with the history of all owners/parcels. In florida, it goes all the way back to the Spanish Empire handing over Florida to the U.S.

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Damn @MightyMike lol this is exactly why I wanted to you join this forum!

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I’m also full of useless other facts. Ha

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