I want to start by saying that I was not aware of a "movement" against police tyranny until now. I will also say that I have been a part of that "movement" for over 20 years and have a record full of BS Misdemeanors to vouch for that. I am so anxious to see the Free State Movement be carried to Florida. I am currently a film-maker and own a video studio and small media company in Florida and I was looking for something new and purposeful and I can't think of anything I want to be a part of more than this.
I will say that, it is one thing to report police tyranny and an entire different thing to harass them as they do the job that is appointed to them. I am more than happy catching police and other "officials" abusing their power, but not so much that I would intentionally escalate a situation to get a few YT Views. I did not point any elbows there but I am sure there are a few people here that know who I am referring to. We need to be the credible ones and we do not need to sacrifice our liberty unless it is for the most admirable cause possible. That means we need to be REACTIVE in our reporting while they are PROACTIVE in their tyranny.
Looking forward to expansion throughout the South East.
John Smith
Welcome. I'm afraid that the point of the FSP is to leave other places like Florida. That's what I did six years ago, and have never looked back.
Please visit http://freestateproject.org to learn more - we are trying to get liberty-minded people to move to NH. Over 13,000 are pledged to move thus far.