Is Jason Dubrow the first LPNH candidate since 2016's election?

I know there are a few special elections this year where we’re running candidates.

Is this guy the first one to kick off his campaign?

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He says the election’s in two weeks.

He’s making issue videos:

The election is July 25 for those of you in Senate District 16.


District 16 includes Dunbarton, Bow, Hooksett, Candia, and wards 1, 2, and 12 in Manchester.

Yes, he was the first candidate we found for any of the special elections this year. We also have candidates for the Grafton 9 (John Babiarz) & Rockingham 4 (James Jarvis) elections coming up in September.


I left this post below his video. What do you think?

Way to go, Jason! I’m so happy you are running. I would be even happier if you brushed your hair and beard and put on a dress shirt.

Personal appearance speaks volumes about one’s values, and exercising good grooming habits demonstrates that you are put together and have respect for your constituents.

Call me an asshole, but appearance matters in life. I think you’re great, and I’d be lying if I said you are dressing for the job for which you are applying.

I think it qualifies as a backhanded compliment.

I guess it depends on his voters. Maybe they’re all woodsy people who want a mountain man in charge.

Im just surprised that we’re hearing about candidates 2 weeks before their election. Shouldnt we be planning campaigns in advance? Who is his campaign manager?

I don’t believe he has a campaign manager, and he only filed to discourage another Libertarian from filing.

If you want to know about all of our candidates - check out

Stephen, it’s a special election cause the guy who was elected in 2016 died.

Ah, gotcha.

This is a message from Jason: "I tried to create an account, but not sure how long it takes, however I wanted to address a number of the questions.

  1. As for the quality of my looks/prep for it; this video was intended to be a rough draft and I just sat down to do it; the final version was going to be better polished without a hat, better shirt, and more polished hair/beard. My post of this video was in a private forum and I asked for it not to be shared until I created the final polished one.
  2. Yes, I ran because of another person showed interested, but no I did not do it to discourage them, but to have a we could discuss a major difference in opinion, of which I believe their voting record was anti-liberty. They decided to not run because I ran. They decide to bash me after that. They decided to not support Liberty. They decided to thereafter post public support for an opponent of Liberty.
    Regards, with Liberty,
    (I will try to post any follow-ups once my account goes through"

If I could find a campaign manager who didn’t say I needed $5000 in the bank to bring them on; I probably would have one.