
1.  Tell us about yourself.

I moved from Manhattan to the Seacoast of the Shire just over a year ago. I am a lifelong activist interested in both the philosophy and strategy of building a free society.

2.  Why are you here?

I'm here to see what other voluntarists are up to, and to address any questions about the Seacoast.

3.  How did you find the Shire Society?

Through Free Talk Live.

Hello Porscmouth,

Glad to have you hear. I am always looking for people to write about their experiences in NH, so let me know if you'd be interested in doing a writeup or an interview with Porcupine Real Estate about the Seacoast!

Welcome and thanks for coming!

Welcome to the Shire and SSF.  My wife and I are on the way to Bethlehem the 28th.  I can't wait to get active in the local politics.
Anyway, glad to "meet" you.  :slight_smile: