Introduction and why you are important

Above Reproach
Freedom is the right of the individual no matter how strong government rules diminish those rights.  The number of web pages, blog, forums and individuals that reprint my letters for exposure around the world and further, takes me back.  The free Keene web site is another place where the people want to show that it is the individual that matters.  The five basic rules members have to follow is the basic obligation to be a citizen to live in any civilized society, including the USA.  The NH underground web site is another strong growing group of citizens that with in the law try to make change for the better.  It is not always possible if people with the trusted authority of the people diminish our Constitution to control and dictate what we as individuals can have and/or do.  The basic form of communication for the people to express wrongs in government established in the first legal document of the USA is freedom of speech through the newspapers in opinion letters without retribution from government authority.
If editors believe censoring the words of a 100% disabled US Veteran is for the safety of society something is wrong.  People with authority inflict pain and hardship against those that speak out against wrongs.  The above mentioned and many others I am sure know exactly how harsh the authority of people with the trusted power of the people can be if you speak against what they demand we the people do.  Editors are afraid of the exact same wrongs if they allow the people’s voice to be heard freely without safe guards to protect those in power.  Freedom has to be the unaltered voice of the people even if it is a disabled person’s voice.
The NH Supreme Court cannot ever be above the Constitution with their ruling and authority.  My voice tells the people over and over that the NH SC refused to hear a case where a brother Attorney/Judge used the trusted power of the people to intentionally harm individuals by letting the Madbury NH selectmen take for the selectmen’s own personal gain from legal resident of their town.  The authority of the USA took my freedom for six months before dropping the bogus charges established under the Patriot act to stop my freedom of speech.  The Veterans Administration is using my medical care to control my freedom of speech.  The editors believe for the safety of the community my words must be censored.  The unedited voice of the people is what stops these wrongs.  The Americans with disabilities act protects citizens against newspapers from using the disability of a person even a 100% disabled US Veteran to justify censoring.  If communication is the manner a civilized society uses to solve problems avoiding the need for violence why not talk to me about these government wrongs.  The five basic rules of the Keene Shine Society is the freedom we should all live by.
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi
465 Packers falls rd Lee NH 03824 603-659-6217           


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