Introducing myself

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

1.  Tell us about yourself.
    Can you be more specific? Humans are complex, and it's not clear to me what aspect of myself you're asking about.
2.  Why are you here?
    I have an  interest in living among like-minded libertarians.
3.  How did you find the Shire Society?
    I'm currently involved in a dispute with the State of NY. A 2.5-yr-long dispute that has led to State torture of my children. In researching the various aspects of the dispute, specifically with regard to my upcoming trial, I did a YouTube search for court trials, and came across the Robin Hood evidenciary hearing. It was highly informative to me. I learned more from watching that court hearing than from all that I've read. Nothing like witnessing it live! Subsequent to witnessing the vids, I emailed Ian and inquired about the judge's ruling, as I've not been able to locate it anywhere (and I'm curious). Ian's response was that I'd find all the info I could want on the FreeKeene site. 

Welcome. It's time to move from the Empire State to the Free® State.

Scroll back in this category until December to find the news you want:

Welcome to the forum.