Hi everyone
1. Tell us about yourself.
Can you be more specific? Humans are complex, and it's not clear to me what aspect of myself you're asking about.
2. Why are you here?
I have an interest in living among like-minded libertarians.
3. How did you find the Shire Society?
I'm currently involved in a dispute with the State of NY. A 2.5-yr-long dispute that has led to State torture of my children. In researching the various aspects of the dispute, specifically with regard to my upcoming trial, I did a YouTube search for court trials, and came across the Robin Hood evidenciary hearing. It was highly informative to me. I learned more from watching that court hearing than from all that I've read. Nothing like witnessing it live! Subsequent to witnessing the vids, I emailed Ian and inquired about the judge's ruling, as I've not been able to locate it anywhere (and I'm curious). Ian's response was that I'd find all the info I could want on the FreeKeene site.
Welcome. It's time to move from the Empire State to the Free® State.
Scroll back in this category until December to find the news you want:
Welcome to the forum.