Introducing myself (Travis from Arlington MA)

Hello everyone.

I'm Travis Corcoran (I go by the name TJIC - my initials - on some fora).  I used to blog at  You may recognize my name from here

I live in Arlington MA, where I own and run two businesses ( and

My hobbies include guitar, writing, blacksmithing, shooting, and woodworking.

I'm a lifetime member of NRA, GOA, JPFO and FCSA.

I have been a libertarian / anarchocapitalist since college (about 20 years).

I'm investigating moving home and corporations to NH, possibly Keene.

Jennifer S and I are doing a road trip tomorrow (21 July 2011) and are strongly thinking of stopping in at Keene and would love to meet fellow liberty lovers.


You left a Porc411 saying you would be at Pedraza's at 1pm Thursday 7/21.  See you there. 

Oh, and welcome!

Wish I could be there.  Won't be back in town yet.

We'll be either just outside or just inside the front door (depending on how hot it is!) at one.  I'm 5'11" and will be in a black polo shirt.  Jennifer is about the same height and has long red hair.

(Cell: (339) 222-8821)

See you there!

It was great seeing everyone - thanks for coming out.

We stopped by Keene again the next day, just to walk the downtown area again and get coffee (at the good coffeehouse, not the Statist one! ;-).

We may be scouting again in a month or so - hope to see you folks again soon!