
Howdy everyone, Jason here.

I'm 27 and currently live in Hawaii, where I've been running a family business–tours of our botanical garden. I found out about the Shire Society and the FSP primarily through Free Talk Live, though liberty media from all over has influenced me to move to NH. I'm here to coordinate that move, I suppose, and find out more information.

Part of me feels a bit insane for leaving paradise, but the family situation is not something I can handle right now, and I am too intellectual to live in a rural community where liberty may be embraced personally and philosophically, but never discussed in any sort of rational way. There are opportunities for me on the West Coast, but before I moved to Hawaii the liberal culture [socialism] of Portland, OR was already beginning to grate on me. I cannot see myself happily settling down in Berkeley, San Diego, or Sacramento areas (where potential jobs exist). I guess you could say I'm moving primarily for the culture of activism, but also because I feel I need a dramatic shift in my lifestyle and if I don't do this soon I'll be stuck in a rut for a huge chunk of my life. I am easily adaptable, generally optimistic and hardworking sort and so I am not too concerned that I will not have a chance to visit before taking the plunge. Of course, the climate will be the biggest hurdle for me. I spent my first 10 years in Iowa and while childhood memories are nostalgic, recent winter experiences have reminded me how much of a Souther Californian I am. Ah well–what can I do? I'm pretty good at bundling up and already have a decent winter wardrobe in storage. I think all I'm really frightened of is driving in the snow. ha

I had originally planned to visit before moving, but round trip tickets plus other travel expenses from Hawaii is a significant cost for me at this stage, even if I combine the trip with other mainland visits and business. I'd rather that money go towards a car. I've moved up my move plans considerably, which means I will have less savings than expected, but I'm not too worried. I have enough money to pay cheap rent (hopefully in a shared house) for 3-6 months and basic living expenses (on a meager budget, but doable). I will want to get a job immediately, but hopefully I won't be forced to rush into anything too quickly. I have a wide range of skills and am not picky. I've been selling stuff and downsizing my life so I don't have a lot of baggage when I show up outside a few suitcases.

At this point I hope to move before PorcFest, having originally thought to get out there early fall this year. I'm strongly leaning towards the Keene area, because it sounds like that's the greatest density of Shire/liberty folk.

The most important thing: I really really want to live in a home with other liberty-minded folks pretty soon after moving. I realize this might not be viable right off the bat, but I think this would be healthy for me, as I can tend to isolate myself if I don't live near friends or acquaintances. I'm a great roommate–very tidy, rent punctual and quiet. In fact, I have quite a bit of experience for my age with property rentals, management and maintenance, so if anyone is looking for help in that area, let me know.

We've got at least two other people who moved here from Hawaii.  Point being, you might be crazy, but at least you'll have company.


Thank you, Kirk! I see you are a gardening enthusiast. I have become a passionate botany/garden enthusiast in the last couple years and living in Hawaii am becoming familiar with tropical and subtropical plants myself right now (see where I live: but will be interested to expand my knowledge when I get into the new climate.

I know this is off-topic for this area, but can you point me towards any groups/gardens/organizations/farmers markets that one could volunteer at or provide educational opportunities. I would also be possibly interested in a job related to this area, though I understand it is probably a seasonal thing unless you're working in grow houses in the NE.


Have you seen the Keene housing forum here?  Dale just posted an ad the other day.

Regarding driving in snow - just go slow and you'll likely be alright.  Of course, you can't control what others do.  Generally my rule is to not be in a hurry in winter.

Sounds like you have a good plan, though I don't know I'd claim Keene has the highest density of activists.  I'd bet that's Manchester, but Keene certainly has a higher proportion of visible activity.

Wherever you end up, you should tour around and make sure you feel in the right place.  If you're renting you can always move.

I don't have specific groups at my fingertips, but NH is covered in small farms with small farm stands.  Many of them hire every spring for seasonal work.  I have big plans for this year, but how quickly they come to fruition is anybody's guess.