Hi everyone! I am currently living in California and I am a Free State project participate. I plan on moving to NH in about a year after my girlfriend graduates from physical therapy school. I can't wait to be around people who understand the philosophy of liberty. It is tiresome to have friends and family make comments that gets my heart racing and having to make the decision on whether to speak up or not.
The start of my "waking up" started as many others with the Ron Paul campaign in 2007. I first watched a video of him making a speech and remember getting very excited. I had never heard a politician speak in that manner before and instantly knew that I agreed. This still left my support of the constitution intact and I basically was a small government conservative similar to Jack Hunter. Visiting the Daily Paul and Campaign For Liberty websites lead to Mises.org and LewRockwell.com, which led to reading The Ethics of Liberty and For a New Liberty by Rothbard which completed the process. I have since read many other authors and listen to many podcasts like Free Talk Live, Complete Liberty, Free Domain Radio etc.
Hope to get to know you all!
Great news! See you soon, and welcome to the forum.