Hello, world!
My name's Carlton and I moved up to NH from RI about 1.5 years ago. I had heard of the Free State Project a while before and when I received an offer for a new electrical engineering job in Manchester, I jumped at the opportunity to move up. I saw a post by Ian on the NH Underground forums and decided to take a look at this forum and the Shire Society.
So far my involvement with liberty in the Shire has been listening to LRN and podcasts (especially Porc Therapy and Flaming Freedom), going to PorcFest last year, joining/following the New England Alliance of the Libertarian-Left (although I haven't done much with them, yet), some "slacktivism" on G+/D* (and previously facebook) and attending one of the Merrimack Valley monthly meetings in Manchester (I plan to attend more and some Milly's Mingles in the future).
At this point, I'm really looking to become more active in the Shire and that's why I'm joining these boards.
I recently bought a house in Deerfield and live about 25 minutes from both Manchester and Concord, so I'm really interested to see where the Free Manchester and Free Concord groups are going, especially the former, which seems to be getting some steam.
I definitely agree with the Shire Society declaration. I'm an ex-objectivist, turned anarcho-capitalist, turned voluntaryist/agorist care of reading Rothbard, Spooner and SEKIII. Thanks to C4SS and Kevin Carson in particular, I'd describe myself as a left-libertarian in general (a lot of mutualist and free market "anti-capitalist" ideas are slowly creeping into my worldview). I believe in freeing both markets and culture.
So, I'm not really interested in expending much time, effort or money working in the political system (although I did just vote for Ron Paul in the primaries) and more interested in networking with people to support, build and use counter-institutions to out-compete the State. I'm particularly interested in working to build self-sufficiency (e.g. growing food, raising chickens), reducing reliance on State-monopolized functions (e.g. paleo diet to reduce using state-run healthcare) and flat-out undermining the State through crypto-anarchism (e.g. tor, bitcoin).
Also, I love animals. I have a great pittie (Odin) and two cats (Kratos and Beezlebub) and am interested in finding a way to combine my love of animals with agorism. I'm wondering if this is actually an untapped market and another place for outreach.
Welcome Carlton! It's great to have another agorist here in the Shire. I've been here about as long as you as I approach the two year mark. I hope we can meet sometime so let me know if you plan to visit Keene sometime.
Welcome - be sure to check the Manch and Concord forums here.