…About jury nullification, jury education, jury revolution, using shame to leverage and correct govt. officials who abuse power, finding ways for the people to gain greater power and leverage over public officials, thinking outside the box as activists…
I'm interested in collaborating on musical projects. Here's a lyric about jury nullification. Find someone to write the melody, and there's got to be some sort of use of use for it . . .
[size=14pt]NULLIFY AND GOODNIGHT[/size]
[size=5pt]COPYRIGHT JA 2010 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it, but if you make a little money on it, I want some!
When you receive a summons,
Here' s how it will unfold:
The letter will say, "Come in, S-
It down, do as you're told."
They'll claim superiority–
Just fix it in your head, you'll
Be made to give priority
To their, and not your, schedule.
You're told not to be late,
With strongly worded warning:
Be prompt–so you can wait
Through the entire morning.
Yes, jury duty's boring,
Everyone agrees–
Not, though, when restoring
Faded liberties.
I can absolutely guarantee it won't be dull if I
Stand on law and principle, and claim my right to nullify.
If I become a juror,
There's no doubt, I can tell it–
There's sure to be a furor
(No matter how you spell it . . .).
The Court will fast be throwing
Me off the pool, because
It won't want jurors knowing
They can nullify the laws.
There'll be no calm discussion.
They're bound to be incensed,
And threaten repercussion
That there's no defense against.
"Follow regulation.
We don't want or need your
Brains and education
Wrecking our procedure."
The cops and bailiffs in the court will want to smash my skull if I
Inform my fellow jurors of their right to vote to nullify.
The Court will instruct us to judge the case as it applies to the laws on the books.
What the hell do I care about rules arbitrarily made by demonstrable crooks?
The last check-and-balance on government power's the right of a court panel's members
To acquit people charged with crimes based upon laws that should long have been thrown on the embers.
Citizens are conned that
Judge and prosecution
Have power well beyond that
Granted by the Constitution.
They think that we're all fools,
And there may be something to that
If they disobey the rules
And the people let them do that.
Empowering the decent's
A tactic that may yet work
To counter the malfeasance
Of the old-boy network.
You'll hear the gavel go "Bang!,"
And you may risk their fury,
But the Court can go hang
If you just hang the jury!
Despite my fate, authorities will have some points to mull if I
Privately inform the jury of their right to nullify.
Welcome, Dwight - are you here in NH yet?