
This message is to all TRUE people that hold truth and freedom dear and that might be here within the Shire:
Unsure of what is truth or not, we all need to understand here, either way, that the role of infiltrators inside of any freedom movement is to attempt to control dissent. To downplay real ideas and to push pacifism might be a strategy of theirs. We need to be vigilant. The possibility of this in the Shire and FSP may be “higher” than you think. I’ve brought this up early in my participation here that Estey Associates in Keene may have something to do with the evil scum. Does anybody in Keene or nearby know of anyone inside of this tyrannical agency ? Keep an eye on them.
Also know that organizing within small groups of highly trusted individuals is best. Not online, but at your campfire pit. It is these individuals that will help pave the way to freedom. Not groups online. This is not to discourage organizing by any means. It is a wake up call to ask yourself what the actual effectiveness is here that’s helping to make our society free of oppression.
Found this. Tactics used by “controlled opposition” Please read: “Discredit those who might bring attention to government tactics by suggesting questionable behavior, or, accusations, that will occupy them and remove them from any effective contribution to the patriot community.

“Create division, wherever possible, any organization that begins to grow and may become effective. If possible, splinter the group into two, or more, factions, so that they don’t flee elsewhere, and the government can retain controlling interest, or at least positions of influence, within each faction.

“Use of a group the government has control of to create conflict with another group, creating doubt, disenchantment, and perhaps, dissolution of the targeted group.

“Use of ‘trolls’ on Internet discussion groups and other forums to detract from discussions that might cause some to think; includes ridiculing opponents, specious arguments, diversion from the subject of discussion, and other tactics intended to discourage active participation in what might otherwise be productive discussions.”

We know they are there, but what can they do? As long as we are setting goals, following sound principles, and sticking to our plans they cannot do much.


What kind of organizing do you do around a campfire?
I’ll be roasting marshmallows. Don’t touch my dandies!


“Campfire” meaning in person. As opposed to online ( in big brotherland) with people you may not trust yet.

Don’t forget to run a white noise generator.

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I think there’s enough in the Shire that might GET IT with what I found at the the beginning of this post.(TACTICS USED BY CONTROLLED OPPOSITION) I’m just looking to help with truth. Useful info coming soon.

also a cell phone jammer

I think this is a good resource for learning to be aware of possible infiltrators.

Pretty good resource here. Not so much about those that would "snitch", such as a fascist ratting out an Anarchist.  More so about those that would control a group and lead it down a path of ineffectiveness in countering government oppression.

I agree with most of your original post, but would say that infiltrators usually promote violence, not pacifism.

If someone was to infiltrate a group that’s bent on gaining freedom from oppression, with the intention of steering that group towards ineffective “resistance”, and that person was being used by our oppressors, do you think that person would be talking self defense or pacifism ? Also, Do you think that numerous laws, all backed by the THREAT of violence or death, justifies self defense ?

I’ve never worried about infiltration. They aren’t going to steer me anywhere.

If the government want to get you, they will set you up.

Sometimes when I give people weed they tell me “I’m not a cop”. I don’t care, I’ll give weed to a cop, they are allowed to have it in Maine.


Unless you are going to start dropping bodies, best to work within the system. Especially on a public forum. One person does not have enough firepower to resist an entire force. Only resort to violence when the revolution starts (maybe 20-30 years).

Yes the government does find patsies and sets them up for ‘terroristic threats’ by getting them to ‘plan’ violent things, even though it’s the FBI providing all the materials, money, and planning.

Violence only makes bystanders fearful, and then they reject anything that person is associated with. Even if you eliminated every government agent, that wouldn’t change people’s desire for a government. Burning down a church doesn’t make the villagers atheist.

Also, murder is immoral.

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Both brilliant and profound. I’ll likely be stealing this line in the future.

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Now that we know that the gov’t/gang is guilty of being “immoral” on a scale of millions or hundreds of millions let’s ask some questions:
Is gathering up a bunch of folks to defend themselves against a gang that threatens violence and ultimately death if you don’t obey their rules, immoral ?
Is it moral to hire (or vote for) a gang that operates this way ?
Is it moral to allow yourself and future generations to be controlled to the point where defending yourselves is no longer an option ?

I honestly hope, starrychloe, that you or anyone here doesn’t resemble “Winston at the end of 1984” in 5 years. Never mind 20-30.

You must be a youngster. Not much gets done in 5 years.

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