If you are a white racist and you get in trouble, you are fucked.
I think the issue is that people don’t feel sorry for them. I think a similar effect would be seen in a stateless society.
I mean, he hijacked a train though. There are plenty of people who get arrested for saying things that the powers that be don’t like, but this guy hijacked a train.
I don’t think anymore people would feel sorry for him if he was an R or a D.
He didn’t hijack a train. He caused an emergency stop.
He had a revolver, so he could have hijacked the train or killed people if he wanted to. But he didn’t.
Wilson boarded the Amtrak train in Sacramento, California, and was traveling to Missouri when he entered a secure area and triggered an emergency stop on October 22, according to the complaint.
Two Amtrak conductors told the FBI that Wilson continually egged them on as they attempted to detain him, saying "What are you going to do, shoot me?"
Wilson also went through drastic mood swings and “would start saying crazy things about going to the moon,” one conductor said.
The train engineer and Amtrak personnel detained him, and he was arrested when police arrived, the complaint states. A deputy with the Furnas County Sheriff’s Office found a fully loaded handgun in his waistband and a fully loaded speed-loader, the complaint states.
In addition, a backpack belonging to Wilson contained three more loaded speed-loaders, a box of ammo, a fixed blade knife, a gas mask and other items.
Also, the timeline of the release in December and re-arrest suggests the “train hijacking” isn’t the real issue.
He was released on a partially secured bond on December 11, court documents state. But a further search warrant and investigation from the FBI led to the discovery of a stash of firearms at his residence and several connections to what the complaint describes as white supremacist groups. He was arrested again on December 23 and he was ordered detained on January 2, according to the complaint.
Also known as hijacking. Or are they leaving out the part where all of the train conductors? drivers? whatever the fuck they’re called died of a heart attack and the train had to be stopped RIGHT NOW? If so then fuck them.
This isn’t a case where someone who wasn’t a Nazi wouldn’t have been arrested. ANYONE who did what he did would have been arrested. And they would have faced the same charges.
Weird how they didn’t charge him with terrorism until after they found out he was a Nazi.
They even let him out of jail before they knew he was a Nazi. Everything changed when they found out he was a neo-Nazi who attended the Charlottsville rally. The FBI is after those guys.
Who knows, but maybe there is a way to crash a train by applying the brakes.
(CNN)A white man who was involved with neo-Nazi groups and who attended a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville has been charged with terrorism for attempting to wreck an Amtrak train, according to a criminal complaint filed in US District Court
According to witnesses on the train, Wilson seemed half-crazed, making bizarre statements like, “I’m the conductor, bitch” and “What are you going to do, shoot me?”
Local authorities charged Wilson with criminal mischief and weapons possession. He was found competent after a court-ordered psychiatric exam and released on bail.
As much as I would enjoy burning Phil Christiana’s house down, and as much as it is 100% true that the State is currently arresting and otherwise fucking with people for being Nazis, and as much as I hate the State of Virginia- I’m not seeing conclusively that that is what’s going on in this particular case.
Charges get upped all the time, especially in cases where the cops aren’t used to seeing that particular case. They probably charge people “correctly” 99+% of the time for simple possession. But they aren’t used to seeing this every day, so they guessed at what was closest. He didn’t have time to see a “real” judge before he was re-arrested. There was either a pre-set, or he saw some guy who’s job it is three times a week to look at police reports and attach a number to it. Nobody competent had looked at his case yet.
Is it possible that the FBI called up the DA and said “You know you’re charging this guy with terrorism right?” Yes. But it is also entirely probable that this is the charge they would have stuck on anybody who did this.
Is the judge and jury going to be biased? Probably. But this isn’t so out of line, or out of line at all, that it can be said that this is happening because he’s a Nazi.
As I understand it, suddenly applying the brakes on a train is a very good way to crash it.
I’ve never seen or read about an emergency braking condition causing a crash, and I am a train nerd. It just doesn’t work that way. He’s certainly an asshole for doing it, though. And they’ll make an example out of him, just like they would for someone caught pulling the fire alarm in school.
Ok, then he was just stopping the train to be stopping the train. Which is still hijacking. Or he thought the same thing I did. In any case randomly fucking with the controls of a vehicle which you are not driving is generally frowned upon.
I will say that it can cause damage to the equipment if the brakes lock up, leading to grinding flat spots in the wheel and damaging the track from extreme friction caused by such. But Amtrak and other passenger rail/subway cars use disk brakes on all their equipment now, which make that highly unlikely. Had he done this to a fully loaded freight train, they might ask for restitution for re-machining 400 wheels and replacing a section of track just for the hell of it.
Amtrack employee’s may have made the situation worse by how they dealt with him. I took train.gov from Chicago to Denver once. The Amtrak employee’s were government workers and acted like them. They put two people off in the middle of the night in nowhere Nebraska just because they were a little rowdy while consuming alcohol. They even put off the casket they were accompanying. I will never ride train.gov again.
He should have been done what he did. But he isn’t being treated like a normal person. The initial state charges were what he should have been charged with. But the FBI took an interest in him, and started fishing.
The event happened on Oct. 22, initial bail set at $20,000. felony criminal mischief and use of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony. He Was in jail until Dec. 11, released on $100,0000 bail. Looks like he was allowed to leave the state of Nebraska.
FBI gets a search warrant and raids his home on Dec. 22. I’m not sure what they would be looking for at his house…his crime was criminal mischief. They found a couple guns that violated the NFA, but he wasn’t charged for that. As far as I know, that is the only contraband they found during the search.
The guns were examined by the ATF and the FBI said “one firearm, a Pioneer Arms Corporation Model PPS43-C rifle … was a fully automatic rifle. Further, a CZ Scorpion Evo 3 was converted to a short rifle, both in possible violation of federal firearms laws,” according to court documents.
He gets rearrested in December 23 and changed with “terrorism”, and faces life in prison.
A federal grand jury in Nebraska on Wednesday indicted Taylor Michael Wilson, 26, on one count of attempting to or threatening to “wreck, derail, and disable railroad on-track equipment and a mass transportation vehicle” on Oct. 22 and one count alleging he attempted “to interfere with, disable, or incapacitate any locomotive engineer or railroad conductor.” The first charge is the same as in the original criminal complaint.
Taylor Michael Wilson affidavit
From the affidavit, he may have been purposefully trying to switch the operator control position from the front to the rear locomotive where he was found. The software might trigger an emergency stop if the train is in motion, something he probably was unaware of.
A detail many might not know is that Amtrak is heavily used by minorities because of the low price of the tickets. Given the acts, firearm possession, and other details…I would not be surprised if they have sufficient evidence that he intended to hijack the train and deliberately crash it in order to commit genocide.
Every time I have checked Amtrak prices, they were not much cheaper than a plane ticket.
A round trip plane ticket from Sacramento to St. Louis is around $400, with 7 hours of travel time.
A train ticket is $300, with 35 hours of travel time. If you want a sleeper room, it cost almost double.
A bus ticket is $125 with 50 hours of travel time. Poor people take the bus.
There are a lot of “people of color” who work for Amtrak. According to this blog, it is at 40%.
Amtrak’s numbers are impressive. Overall, a quarter of its employees are women and two out of five are persons of color. In the management ranks almost a third are women and a third are persons of color. African Americans make up the largest minority group, followed by Hispanics.
For new hires in Amtrak management, 37 percent are women and 37 percent persons of color.
Francisco Williams was one of the conductors. This looks like his facebook page.
They (at least used to) have really, really good advance fare purchase discounts for coach.
This is so cheap I’m thinking about taking some unnecessary train rides.
I might visit just to take that train.
Sometimes people do strange things. This guy made great mistake.
Ping me if you come to Maine and want to meet up.