Howdy, My name is Mike Wolske, and I'm an American living in Germany. I was working for the gummint fixing slot machines for the last 28 years, and have always wanted to move to NH since I heard about what was going on over there. Last year I went to the liberty forum in Nashua, and thought it was just too cool to pass up on. I regret not taking that Sunday afternoon drive to Keene for the social, with Ken Royce like he mentioned, but I was in a hurry to get to NY and visit my daughter. I don't plan on missing it next time in NH.
As soon as I can consolidate my feces, I plan on taking another trip to NH to check out the living situation some more. Sure costs a lot to live in NH.
I reckon I may move there in the not to distant future, cause you guys have got about the only chance at freedom that I can see. It may not be much of a chance, but it's a damn sight better than anywhere else in the US. It looks like you guys need some more help, and I'm willing to give it. But I am going to hedge my bet, and keep the road to Germany open in case it just don't pan out in NH.
I think I'll try and make it to the porc fest, and then see what Keene and Grafton have to offer.
Thanks for letting me on the forum.
Murkan Mike
Welcome to the forum. I think we met at the Liberty Forum; I was manning the NHLA table there.
Welcome Mike!
Yup, I recall meeting you at the Liberty Forum. See you at PorcFest!