Housing Search for late December 2015

Good Evening All.   My name is Erick Radline and I’m from NJ.  My wife, Theresa and I are hoping to relocate to NH by end of December and are looking at anywhere from Manchester to Nashua and any areas in between or within close proximity of Merrimack where I have a job offer.  One of our dilemmas is that we have 2 dogs and 2 cats which we would like to keep however most places have a 2 pet limit or don’t allow pets.  Ideally, we could use a 2BR with washer/dryer hookups and a place that would allow us to bring all 4 of our pets.  Our max rent is $1200 assuming my wife can obtain a full-time job.  She is a teacher and has her NH certs for elementary education.  We are trying to get away from NJ as it is over-populated, over-taxed, and over-regulated and we both love NH and everything it has to offer.  If anyone can assist us in our housing search that would fit our needs, we would be very grateful.  Thank you.

Glad to hear you are interested  in moving here. How did you hear about the shire society forums?

$1200 for those requirements is probably doable - it is of course a little difficult to find places with those requirements (even worse if you needed to add smoking).

http://nh.craigslist.org/apa/5280517977.html looks promising and is reasonably close
http://nh.craigslist.org/apa/5286353344.html looks really nice.