Hey everyone :)

My name is Trevor, and I'm from Kingston, New York. My hometown was the first capital of New York before Albany during the American Revolution, so we have a lot of interesting history here. I consider myself a classical liberal/libertarian but I'm leaning towards market anarchism more and more everyday. I'm here because I'm extremely concerned at the state of the country and the way the State treats individuals and their natural rights to life, liberty and property. I was looking online at the Free State Project and I'm visiting Keene on the 31st of October, so it would be cool to meet up with people from the area and see what they're doing to promote liberty! I'm coming up with a friend of mine, and if anyone has info on some cheap accommodations and a list of things to do or see in town I'd appreciate it a lot!

Yours in liberty,


Hello and welcome.  I hear there are a few people visiting that week.

Hello.  You'll be missing the Pumpkin Fest by a few days, sadly.