Help me understand proess of making Public Record of personal declaration to the state!

Hey y’all,

I’m looking for advice on making public record of a declaration that my previous signed agreements w state have been under threat and coorsion and so are not valid contracts.

I’ve had trouble finding information to help me ensure that the office accepts and stamps my statement into public record. I was made aware of 18 USC 1506 which supposedly states that the refusal to do so is punishable… I’m not exactly seeing that… the radio clip I got this information from goes on to say that revealing my self as a ‘citizen’ or ‘person’ would potentially override US18 1506… Then goes on about camera and witness… I’m confused.

Has anyone dealt with this before ?
Would someone clarify how to avoid revealing my self as ‘citizen’ or ‘person’ ?

18 USC 1506 :

All relative thoughts and advice is appreciated.

Is it me ?


I would ask an attorney.

I could try that, huh…
Thanks for the thought Starchivore.