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Here you can post ideas that can help Free Talk Live reach more listeners besides what you should be doing by Amping the show!

Here’s a thought. I know the host have been asking for podcast listeners to rate the show. What I would really like to see is something similar to what lava flow podcast does. Something that always gets me going is hearing others jumping on board on things. It makes me feel like Im on a winning team. TRogers Paxton always mentions at least one podcast review by name and also what was written. I’ve been meaning to write him a review because I personally like hearing how grateful he is for his listeners. I think FTL listeners and reviewers would appreciate a little shout out here and there. Especially those who Amp, I think it would be cool to hear why they amp and mention their name. I enjoy hearing the amp commercials too.

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I liked that Mark returned Edgington Post to the end of Free Talk Live as an aftershow. There may be a way to turn this into a cross-promotion for FTL as well. As an AMPlifier, though, I really don’t need any glory. I haven’t been shy about offering my “constructive” opinions about the show, as I’ve been one of the longest listeners and really give a damn about liberty, which is why I AMP. It’s similar to why I have Bitcoin, and both forms of paying it forward have paid me back, in different ways.

I know radio is peculiar in some ways as a mass medium, but I feel an unusual connection to “FTL buddies,” including some in crypto. It doesn’t bother me if it’s a “one way” connection as I know that’s pretty much how radio works (though I’ve had occasional connections with a few outside the strict confines of the show.)