Hello :-)

My name is Stephanie and my husband Tom, 5 year old son Liam and I moved here last may from CT. I spend my days homeschooling Liam, going on adventures, reading and cleaning other free staters apartments. I am here because I am I guess. It is always good to have other options than FB. I found out about this forum in a porc group on FB.


Hello and welcome!

We have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Please touch base if you would like to meet for playdates!


Hi nice to meet you. Where are you located? We are in Manchester.

We live in Alstead. Its about 30 minutes north of Keene.

We’re arriving next month with our 5 year old Archer, landing in Croydon. Look out for us at SomaliaFest and PorcFest!


Hi- there is an event in Alstead, NH on the last Thursday of each month. You should check it out when you’ve moved in. Alstead is about half an hour south of where you are moving. Porcfest/Somalia Fest are big events, but the Alstead event is pretty much just the locals from Cheshire county. It’s a good opportunity to meet the neighbours so to speak for those in our neck of the woods.


And it happens at Kirby’s Q which means you can buy BBQ with BTC.

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Good catch! I totally forgot to mention the most important part of the sales pitch.