
Hi, I'm Adrian Bisson.  I grew up in Indiana, and have recently returned there after 3 and half years living and teaching in Seoul, South Korea.

I've been a libertarian from an early age, largely thanks to being raised with my father Ken Bisson, who is a former vice chair of the Libertarian Party and former Chairman of the Advocates for Self Government.  I was an active supporter of Ron Paul's campaigns in 2008, 2012, and 1988.

I'm a FreeStateProject signer and for the last several years I've been keeping an eye on FreeKeene.com as my main source of news and information about the area as I continue to contemplate moving.  I would really like to get to know the people of the Shire Society and establish social connections to help make the move to NH more possible.  I would love to become involved in liberty activism, agorist countereconomics, and the promotion of the principals of voluntaryism. 

The people here really inspire and motivate me.

Welcome - I recognize Ken's name from reading LP News many years ago.

Come on up - we need help.