Hello :)

hi, I found this forum when researching the legal status of medical marijuana in NH and Keene. I live in Keene, have for almost 7 years. mostly I'm an artist and textile crafter.

I am unfortunately disabled with early-onset degenerative osteoarthritis, lupus and spinal stenosis, also I've got 2 bone spurs in my lumbar spine, and a young child to raise so you can imagine the pain i deal with. I'm looking forward to learning all I can about the possibility of MJ becoming legal for medical use here in NH. it looks like it was vetoed this year, but won't be vetoed in 2013? all I know is I've had super pain relief before in another state, and I'd love to have it again and become a useful member of society! but with a kid, a single mom can't be too careful.

edited to add: also last week my daughter who is in public school brought home a play she read from in class, she was Sarah Matthews speaking to Squanto, let's just say I'm not happy with public schools here and would love to move back to homeschooling.

waves hello


I'm sorry to hear about your condition, purpleraven.  It sounds like coming to Concord to testify at a hearing is not an easy matter.  Perhaps when the time comes for the next cannabis bill to be heard you would be interested in submitting a video testimony about your experience with cannabis?

Welcome to the forum.

I am working on this in the state house! But cant report anything just yet. Rest assured it is something we are working on.

thank you all for the welcome  :slight_smile: