I am Matt from the Peoples Republic Of New Jersey. I've been lurking about for quite a while absorbing all the videos and blogs etc… I love what you are about. I'm glad i found like minded people…even if you are several states away. I will have to make a trip to Keene. I am not exagerating when I say, I can not find ANYONE hear in NJ, beside, myself willing to get arrested for non violent civil disobedience. I'm sure they exist, but i just havent ran into them yet. Sure there are people that are all about a single issue and willing to be arrested over it… but i haven't yet found anyone who is truly liberty minded like myself and you good people. thats my story…some of it anyway.
Come on up!
Hello Ian. Yes- I plan on visiting. Hopefully before it gets REAL cold. Hopefully in the next few weeks. I'm pretty sure that visiting will have me wanting to move.
Question for all: Does anyone know how to get in touch Chrono? He is the guy that Dave Ridley reported on who smuggled a recorder into an NJ traffic court. I would like to run some questions by him (or anyone else who fought in NJ) on specific NJ municipal court issues.