
I’m Rob from St. Louis, Missouri. I’m 40 years old and live with my fiance and our two children (it’s a Brady Bunch kind of situation.) I’ve recently decided to return to school to study mathematics and computer science. Although I live in St Louis I actually grew up in Connecticut, and I also spent some time in Richmond, Va.
Most of my life I have had driver jobs, such being a trash collector. As a result I ended up listening to lots of talk radio beginning with Alex Jones and then Free Talk Live on the TuneIn Radio app. FTP is where I heard about this forum.

I have known about libertarianism for quite some time (since the early 90s) but really started to become interested in it in 2008 when Ron Paul ran for president. I haven’t yet totally committed myself to libertarianism but I feel it’s inevitable. Still struggling with statism and I could honestly write volumes about that.

I am interested in learning more about libertarianism, different styles of market anarchism, agorism, voluntarism, as well as cryptocurrencies.

I applaud all of you that made the move to New Hampshire, I have family in Claremont and a small town called Warner but haven’t been there in 25 years.

So I hope this intro is ok, if I left anything out let me know.




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Welcome… How old are your kids? New Hampshire is frequently rated as one of the best places to raise children.

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Welcome! If you have any questions about those topics, ask away. One great thing about libertarianism is when you get together with like minded individuals you already know you have a lot in common with them.

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Welcome <3

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