Hello Shire Society

My name is Chris Silk, I have lived in NH for most of my life.  After learning about Dr Ron Paul in 2006-07 I have moved towards spreading the word of liberty.  I heard about Shire Society after sending my thoughts about a court case I am in to RidleyReport.  His suggestion was to become a part of the local liberty movement and share my story with you.

Spiffy.  Welcome.  What is the case about?

On Feb. 8th 2012 I was stopped in Whitefield NH.  The trooper stated the reason for the stop was speeding.  Because this was false she ended up "warning" me about my speed and giving me a inspection violation.  One of my two arguments was the stop itself (whether a terry stop was justified) and the fact that the vehicle could and did pass the inspection but due to faulty equipment used by the inspection station it failed the OBD test.  The car is now inspected and no work was needed to get the vehicle inspected (We just tried a different inspection station). 

Here is the video of the stop.

Stopped in Whitefield NH

The Trooper in court stated she, "had me on radar", but did not have evidence proving this.  In the video she said she used the "Tracking History" to obtain my speed (being a van 50ft in front of me did not attempt to slow down when the road went from a 50mph to a 30 mph).  When I went in for the pre-trail conference I was given the option to not pay the fine and plea guilty.  Not caring about the $62.00 fine and more worried about the act of NH State Troopers stopping people under false claims. I chose to bring it to trail.  I am waiting to here back from an appeals lawyer about getting the transcripts and moving forward.  Given the information what do you think?

Just to clarify - you're taking the inspection violation to trial?  I think that's great - the more trials we can have, the more we clog the system.

You'll likely lose (as we all tend to), but it will be good experience.  Is it your first trial?

You sounded confident on the video and she was clearly bothered by it.  Nice job with the video.

She doesnt want to stand on the side of the road to appease you. She is only willing to stand on the side of the road to coerce and extort you.