Hello all
My name is Joshua but most of my good friends call me Razorboi or just Razor for short. Ill start off on explaining my name. many years back I used to play a video games called unreal tournament and one of the weapons they had in the game was called a ripper was pretty much a gun that shot circular razorblades at people, they could bounce off walls and of course get the dreaded headshot which would kill other players in one shot. I got so good with this weapon that I would almost get a headshot everytime i faced someone and hence my friends started to call me Razorboi and now it has just stood as my alter ego. Now a days when people as me why they call me Razorboi I reply with because I'm sharp ;D It usually gets a chuckle out of people.
Me and the family do have plans to move to Keene, we don't know exactly when that is going to happen yet, since we have to make sure that we are set up economically, before we make such a big move. Currently we are Living in Las Vegas. I have done 15 yrs in the Military and have only recently within the last 3 yrs really gotten in to the Liberty mindset but now I cant stop thinking and talking about it every chance I get.
I love to be active doing stuff all the time, My interests are in Webdesign, Video, Podcasting and More. I believe that I excel at networking and love to connect people with other peoples services that they need. I can learn things by books and on-line tutorials but I really love an apprentice type atmosphere where I can ask questions to really understand what I am learning and I am always looking for people that can teach me new things and can increase my knowledge with current things I know.
Well I guess that is as good a Intro as any, if anyone is interested in learning more about me please feel free to ask me. I am a open book.
Brothers and Sisters in Liberty
Brought back some nice lan-party memories. Good to have ya here.
Yeah LAN parties was where it was at. Occasionally me and a friend still get together bring our rigs over and just go at it. Damn I just realized I'm getting old ahhhhhhhhh OK OK 34 isn't old 34 is the new 25 yeah that's it
Thank you Dale
I love your Anarchy in your Head Comics, One thing I have always wanted to do was to draw but unfortunately I have an artists eye but no skill in drawing, I consider my self a Muse at times I have a lot of great ideas, I actually passed art class in high school with a A simple because I worked with a good friend who was a good artist but short on ideas, I came up with what to draw he drew it then I would critique it and we both passed with A's. Now if I could just find a way to monetize creative ideas but with no ways of making them hmmmm
Start an Advertising firm. hire good artists.
Thanks for the reply Myrkul
Yeah I guess that would be one thing that could be done. Guess i might have to start to look into how advertising firms work