Greetings from the UK

Hi All,
greetings to you all from the UK, wish there was a part of this country that i could move to to enjoy more freedom, till there is, I shall have to content myself with trying to live as free as possible according to that set down by Harry Brown.

But all is not bad, more folk across here are starting to wake up to the problems: too many laws, too much government, too much red-tape & far too much tax! I can only hope to live to see better days come to pass…

till then, ignore "the man", don't vote (it only encourage them) & pay as little as you can to feed their beast!

PEACE to you… but not to Statism, Corporatism & Hierarchism
"No service should be provided out the barrel of a gun. This is not freedom, it is tyranny"

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Welcome… if you're able to respond? 
If not I hope you go through and answer the intro questions.  I particularly like when people from other countries come to the ideas of liberty.  From what I've gathered such ideas are even more of a scarcity in the UK then they are in the states?.. I like to hear that such ideas are growing in the UK and anywhere else for that matter. 
Anyways, I like your principled stances.