Greetings from Europe

I’m a computer science student from Europe. I listen regularly to Free Talk Live and I have been vicariously following the freedom migration movement to New Hampshire.

In the future I plan to leave the country I live in, and New Hampshire is one of the potential destinations I’m considering.

I’ve started listening to the podcast NHExit, and also the meetings about Declaring Independence published on LBRY.

I’ve decided to register in this forum because I’d like to point to some debates by Bryan Caplan (libertarian economist) about immigration and open borders, where he mentions some acceptable compromises that can be made to appease closed-borders folks.

I’ve found about this forum thanks to Free Talk Live, and I learnt about the radio show some years ago while looking for libertarian shows.

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yayyyy welcome willo… what country are you in if may ask!?


I’m from Spain. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You might be interested in a podcast I produce called Freedom Decrypted. It’s a tech show for the prickly kind. ie porcupines / libertarians … etc

bien, trato estudiar como decir “bienvenidos a New Hampshire” en 20 idiomas

You bet, I already listen to it. :grin:

Your news recap is really helpful, thanks!

De momento vas por buen camino! :wink: