What are your suggested solutions to these projected scenarios:
- Legislative services refuses to process the amendment when it is handed to them by the rep(s).
- Someone or another tries to claim, and maybe enforce the claim, that such a proposal is not allowed because of the oath reps are forced to take to U.S. Constitution
(My suggestion is to point out that it may be the only remaining effective way to uphold that constitution, which does not ban independence drives. Other methods of making D.C. follow it… like enthroning new presidents or voting for Ron Paul…have not had the effect of bringing them back within Constitutional boundaries. They ignore most of that…at least this is a peaceable reaction they can’t ignore. And since when are the people who might bring this up…focused on following constitutions?) - Folks demonize selected supporters of the proposal…focusing on the messenger rather than the message.
- Pro-Washington faction or Washington itself pressures committee leadership, House leadership or state bureaucracy to take action of its own, the latter with appearance of plausable deniability on the part of DC.
- Hacking of pro-independence folks or financial/employment interference with them
And what are some other scenarios you have thought of?